In the Digital Future PMOs will manage Investments in Innovation

For most people, the word Investment automatically causes us to think about money.  As adults, we know that when we invest our money we expect a return and we generally make an investment choice based on our assessment of the value a particular investment will return.  We also understand that our funds are limited and…

Help Your PMO Thrive in an Agile World: Become the CFO’s New Best Friend

Repurposing the PMO in an agile environment from being a reporting PMO to a fully trained analytical PMO is something that is urgently needed. CFOs cannot continue to accept the information that they’ve been getting from IT at face value. Success in the new digital economy requires a level of financial review and an understanding…

Thoughts on Business Roadmapping

Effective Strategy Execution Begins With Business Roadmapping March 12, 2018 The advent of digital business has shortened the timing horizon for all aspects of running a business.  New, improved products and services need to reach the market at turbo speed. Cost structures need to become more efficient and more sustainable. Future operating plans will need…

Agile Strategy Execution is a Prerequisite for Digital Business Success

By linking the concept of business agile to strategy execution, organizations can make better choices about what to do and, more importantly, how and when to do it for maximum effectiveness (through appropriately sequencing the work). The word “agility” in the context of strategy execution implies both speed and grace. Any organization can move quickly…

 Business Agile and the EPMO

Something changed at the start of 2016. Concepts and trends that we’ve been encouraging clients to adopt for years suddenly became the aspirational norm. On the PPM front that has resulted in the emergence of what we have chosen to call “Business Agile.” To give this term some context, I’ll generalize the standard call I’ve had…